Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Researching, preserving and promoting our local road transport heritage

Become a Member

Become a member today to receive a copy of our quarterly transport publication, be able to attend monthly meetings at Braunstone Civic Centre, get hands on with vehicle restoration work, archiving and helping out at our events!

The Purpose of the Trust
The purpose of the Leicester Transport Heritage Trust is to encourage interest in the history of road transport in Leicestershire by setting up a museum and heritage centre for the display of vehicles, artefacts, archive material and for the public to be able to travel on heritage buses from time to time.

“Leicester Wheels” our Quarterly Journal
As part of the annual subscription, members receive a quarterly journal in January, April, July and October. The topics covered in the journal include trams, buses and commercial vehicles including artefacts, archive material, the reminisces of people who worked in or took an interest in local transport plus regular reports on the restoration and maintenance of the buses. Members are also encouraged to submit their own contributions.

Monthly Members’ Meetings
All members of the Trust are welcome to come along to the Braunstone Civic Centre, 209 Kingsway, Leicester on the second Saturday of each month to enjoy presentations on a variety of transport related topics. The informal meetings start at 10:00am and last until about 12:30pm. There is a coffee break half way through the proceedings which also allows members an opportunity to chat and purchase items from a sales stand.

Vehicle Restoration and Maintenance Team
The team is run by Richard Worman who is also the Trust’s Chairman. He, along with a dedicated group of volunteer Trust members, spend each Saturday carrying out restoration and maintenance work on the Trust’s buses at a location to the northwest of Leicester. As more of the buses belonging to both the Trust and its members become roadworthy, it is equally important that maintenance work is carried out on a regular basis. If you think that you would be able to lend a helping hand from time to time, please contact us.

Archive and Artefacts Collection
The Trust’s archive goes back to the 1830s and covers many eras when stage coaches, horse buses, horse trams, electric trams and motor buses were in operation. The collection includes photographs, vehicle drawings, transport committee meetings minutes, tickets, ticket machines, newspaper cuttings, uniforms, timetables and employee application forms. Much of the archive has a rich social history content. Currently the archive is housed in rooms in central Leicester. A team of members are sorting and cataloguing the archive on a regular basis. If you have any items which you consider you would like to donate to the Trust, please get in touch.

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