Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Researching, preserving and promoting our local road transport heritage

Our Archive

The Trust’s archive is independently recognised as being important and unique. It relates very specifically to Leicester and Leicestershire covering an incredibly interesting time period not only for the buses and public transport, but in representing the social and demographic changes in the city too. The collection of paper documents, photographs and small artefacts dates back to April 1834 with a London to Nottingham via Leicester stage coach companion.
We have a wealth of material that relates to the late nineteenth century, including a substantial number of items from the Leicester Tramways Company which operated from 1874 to 1901. Material from the twentieth century is well covered and the Trust recognises that the collecting of archive material is an ongoing process. Systems are in place to ensure that current transport related material also takes its rightful place in the archive.
Members of the Trust’s Archive Team receive ongoing support from qualified archivists who are based locally. The team have also been on a number of Collection Care courses organised by the East Midlands Museums Service. Trust volunteers are steadily documenting and digitising items in the extensive collection.