Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Researching, preserving and promoting our local road transport heritage

Co-operative Community Dividend Fund award

Central England Co operative Community Dividend award

One of the LTHT objectives has been to try use the reminiscence of transport for providing some positive wellbeing to those unfortunate people who have been diagnosed with dementia and for some time now we have been endeavouring to develop a transport related ‘Reminiscence Therapy’ programme along similar initiatives developed by sports based practitioners. We approached the Alzheimer Society to see if there were any local partnership opportunities and accordingly they invited the LTHT to make presentations at Memory Cafes run by the society throughout the city and county. These sessions are quite short because of the need to be mindful of the attention span of the audience. Our principle thrust is on the ‘sights and sounds’ of road transport utilising large images of buses and trams and using artefacts from our archive such as bus stop plates, model buses and destination blinds. These are then supported by transport related sounds created by bells, old ticket machines.

With the ongoing development of this important and rewarding outreach programme, the LTHT made an application for a £1,000 Central England Co-operative Community Dividend Fund grant to assist with improving the delivery of our presentations. We were delighted to be advised in December 2018 that our application had been successful and a cheque was handed over to the Trust at the Glenfield store on January 8th, 2019, along with other locally based charities who have been successful with their Co-op community fund applications.

The LTHT would like to thank the Central England Co-operative for supporting the Reminiscence Therapy project and we look forward to progressing the reminiscence project through 2019.