Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Researching, preserving and promoting our local road transport heritage


Although new to London Transport in 1976, Metropolitan BR111DH did see service with Leicester Citybus as a driver trainer vehicle. The bus still survives at the yard of London Bus Export yard in Lydney, Gloucestershire. Showing signs of the heavy rust that inflicted these Metro Cammell bodied vehicles the bus now carry’s out the role of the yard office and guard dog kennel. Registered HEP 634 the Metropolitan is in such a poor state it’s unlikely provide any spare parts for owners of this vehicle type and is minus it’s engine and gearbox.

OUC 113R (HEP 634) London Bus Export, Lydney, Gloucestershire.

OUC 113R In the livery of previous owners Knill’s, Llandrindod Wells, Mid Wales.

OUC 113R in Training bus mode, Abbey Park Road Garage.