Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Researching, preserving and promoting our local road transport heritage

Midland Red 5905 BMMO S22

Our beautifully restored BMMO S22 single decker unfortunately suffered engine problems towards the end of 2015. We are having the engine repaired by a very experienced specialist but this naturally comes at a cost. If you would like to see 5905 back on the road as soon as possible you can help with a donation. A £10 donation will be rewarded with a specially commissioned A3 BMMO S22 related poster. For a £25 donation you will receive the poster and be invited to have a specially arranged ride aboard the S22 for donors. For £50 you will receive the poster and be invited to a S22 event at the Stoneygate Tram Depot with a buffet and an extended tour on 5905.

If you want to help or donate towards getting the S22 back on the road, please contact the LTHT via the website contact details, or use the MyDonate link below.


One comment

  1. Bob Rowley

    As a former owner of the vehicle, I would like to make a donation towards 5905’s engine repair. Can I send you a cheque? If so, to what address and made out to whom please?


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