Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Researching, preserving and promoting our local road transport heritage

The Return of Tina The Open Topper (264 ERY)

Our Midland Red Spectacular was a great opportunity for LTHT’s ex Leicester City Transport Leyland PD3 open topper, 264 ERY, to be unveiled after a mechanical overhaul which took around three years to complete. The bus, which appears on the Trust’s Dennis.n.friends social media accounts named ‘Tina the Open Topper’, enjoyed a thoroughly successful event, being popular with passengers in the good weather.

One comment

  1. peter bates

    I don’t understand the little bits of LCT livery that have been applied. The addition of fleet numbers is OK, but otherwise it’s in Guide Friday livery or lct, even if the latter did not operate 264 as an open topper

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