Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Leicester Transport Heritage Trust

Researching, preserving and promoting our local road transport heritage

War Memorial

Some years ago the LTHT managed to rescue the Memorial to the 70 men of the Leicester Tramways and Electricity Department who gave their lives in the Great War and also to the additional seven men of Leicester City Transport who lost their lives in World War 2.

We are delighted to report that, due to the sterling efforts of Robert Kemp, Trevor Follows, Trevor Marsden and the whole bus restoration team, the memorial was finally moved on 16th May to its temporary new home, namely the deconsecrated chancel at the rear of All Saints Church, Highcross Street, Leicester, LE1 4PH.

The memorial will be for the time being be looked after by the members of the Leicestershire & Rutland War Memorials At Risk Project who hold open days every two months or so to allow the public to view the many memorials which are kept in the chancel. The church will also  be open to coincide with Leicester City Council’s ‘Heritage Open Days’ weekend. Opening times will be as follows:

Friday 11th September 3:00pm until 6:00pm

Saturday 12th September 10:00am until 4:00pm

Sunday 13th September 2:30pm until 5:00pm